Drawing Contest 2022
From Sign to Action, the winners.
The winners by regions
Our contest for kids ”From Sign to Action” counted with 82 drawings coming from the different regions we are involved with.
For each region, a comittee composed by GSA Ambassadors has chosen the winning drawing.
The winning drawings
Hannah Beatriz, 15 years, Mexico
For me, sustainability is very important since it means keeping the environment in good condition and using natural resources without destroying those same resources.
In other words, for me, sustainability must seek natural resources, how they are consumed and the environment in which they are found, so that in the future these same resources can continue to be used and ensure their existence for the benefit of all of us.
We must educate ourselves about sustainability to improve our quality of life and ensure a better future”.
Alessandra, 12 years, Italy
For me, sustainability means being able to satisfy your needs, without preventing future generations as well. How can this be done? Simply giving your contribution by following the rules.
Together we can make a difference.
With my drawing I want to make it clear that the world can change for good or for bad, according to our actions. And that with simple actions such as separate waste collection we can have a change.
In my drawing I wanted to represent on one side the earthly nature, with a tree, which means protection from felling and fires and on the other side the marine nature to protect the oceans and seas from pollution and excessive fishing; obviously there are many other problems that should be solved. I conclude by thanking you and I am very happy to have won this competition”