Transforming a century of experience into continuous innovation
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Lamberti is a company made up of people who are involved in building distinctiveness and difference. People are the connectors that relate knowledge and experiences to create a continuous and generative learning ecosystem.
Linear understanding of time is no longer reasonable but replaced by the concept of the thread, that is woven into the enliven experience of movement along the yarn. Thereby, the constant movement in motion is intensified in ingenius interlacing, that anticipates and surrounds it .
Continuous learning connects physical reality with the world of ideas: the industrial products and value of sentiments, the involvement in lifetime dimensions are metamorphosed into a chain of opportunities for people, markets, objects, and economies. The cornerstone of these opportunities is hidden in a twisted relationship between them.
We are creators of not essentially bi-directional connectivity but of a canvas of connections, multidimensional, directional, multilingual and rhizomatic
Since the foundation, the commitment has been directed towards doing things right. As a global company, we aim to provide value for society that goes beyond our financial and economic results. For us, people come first, and inclusion, equality and diversity are cornerstone values across our entire organization.
Our company is made up of people who are involved in building distinctiveness and difference. People are the connectors of knowledge and experiences: they create a continuous and generative learning ecosystem.
We a believe in and treasure the value of each person. By establishing relations based on mutual esteem, we generate the winning spirit and integrity that naturally push forward professionalism of our people. We work together towards the achievement of shared objectives and strive to understand one another’s requirements. We cultivate relationships with an approach oriented to results and a global vision
We encourage creativity by adopting original technologies, and favor innovation by supporting initiatives and projects that generate value for the company and originate synergy between all our partners
Our primary duty to our employees is to provide them with a safe working environment. Protecting workers and respecting the needs of surrounding communities is a guiding element of our corporate decision-making processes, promoting an organization where fairness and transparency are values we base on.
We cultivate the transformation by acting together: cultivating is not only take care of the common ground but sense of belonging to a community of fate and practice
We want to welcome all the people in this open and wide place. We want to create a large and connected community of knowledge, which is renewed and transformed through the network of knowledge of the people who live there.