Cellulosic Ethers and CMC
Lamberti operates in different markets, producing specialties chemicals that permit our customers to meet their targets no matter whether it is the case to improve product performance, to impart specific characteristics or effets on or inside the different substrates or simply by stabiliziying, create or improve a correct forrmulations or delivery systems.
We do that by producing Chemicals based on different core technologies: Natural Polymers and their derivatives, Synthetic Polymers (Acrylic, Polyurethanic, Hybrids); Oleochemicals (Surfactants and Fatty derivatives).
We can clustering our Perfonce Products by stressing their main Functions of Use and/or their chemical composition, no matter in which sectors they are applied . Some of our brands identifies those clusters.
Cellulosic Ethers and CMC
Waterborne polyurethane beads
Hydrocolloids as Rheology Modifiers
Film Formers - Waterborne synthetic polymers
Cationic & non-ionic natural polymers based Rheology Modifiers and Conditioners
Green and mild surfactants
Monosized acrylic polymer beads
Synthetic Rheology Modifiers