  • She Dares
  • community
  • sustainability

A Journey of Resilience and Hope

Empowering Women and Farmers in Rajasthan

By Mahendra Tripathi – Country General Manager & Executive Director , Lamberti India Private Limited

Reading time: 5 min

As I stood in the lush Guar fields of Ramsar Palawala, the sight of vibrant greenery, contrasted with the underlying challenges faced by these farming communities, deeply moved me.
The region, part of Eastern Rajasthan, has witnessed an unpredictable shift in weather patterns, receiving  40% more rainfall this year compared to the last decade. 
This year the 20 "we dare" farmers sowed the Guar crop, a crop that thrives in dry conditions, this excess rain has brought significant challenges. Many of the farmers I spoke with shared stories of hardship, 10% to 30% of their crops had been damaged by the heavy rainfall. 

Practical and on ground solutions

Practical and on ground solutions

Yet, in the midst of these challenges, I felt a sense of hope and resilience emanating from the people. The farmers, though impacted, are not discouraged.Their hope is bolsteredby the support that Lamberti, through the "We Dare" program run by the People's Awareness Network Society (PANS), has been providing. 
When we initiated the program, we aimed to empower communities through practical and on ground solutions. One such intervention has been the provision of mini sprinklers and wire fencing of the farmers.

As the farmers explained, these innovations have helped mitigate the damage, protecting their crops and  allowing them to manage the water more effectively. These innovations have helped compensating the  losses, may be not help immediately in this crisis but for the long term. 
Hearing this gave me immense satisfaction—we are not only acknowledging the challenges but actively working to overcome them. 

The incredible spirit of the women

The incredible spirit of the women

But what truly inspired me on this visit was the incredible spirit of the women involved in the "We Dare" program. These women, many of whom have faced adversities far beyond crop failures, have emerged as pillars of strength for their communities. They are not just hopeful; they are confident.
I had the privilege of interacting with several of them, and their vision for the future is nothing short of inspiring. 

They are determined to build something of their own—an organization that will showcase their skills and craftsmanship on a larger platform. Their dream is to participate in exhibitions and share their beautiful handicrafts with the world.
And why not? The demand for Indian handicrafts is soaring globally, and these women have the skills and creativity to meet that demand. They are already exporting their crafts and connecting with international buyers, which is helping them expand their reach and bring economic growth to their families and communities.

The government's support through various schemes has added fuel to their ambitions, providing them with the tools and resources they need to scale up. When I saw how these women were organizing themselves, planning their next steps, and speaking with such confidence about their future, I felt a deep sense of pride. The project is moving in the right direction—women who were once limited by societal norms are now standing tall, carving a new path for themselves and their families. This is not just a story of economic development—it’s a story of empowerment, resilience, and transformation. These women are breaking barriers, upliting their communities, and serving as role models for others. Their journey is one
of courage, not only in facing challenges head-on but in daring to dream of a better, brighter future.

At Lamberti, we believe that true progress comes when we empower the most important pillars of society: women and farmers.
The "We Dare" and "She Dares" programs are built on this belief, and seeing the real impact they are making on the ground fills me with optimism.

Together with PANS, the farmers, and these remarkable women, we are creating change that will last for generations. To the farmers of Ramsar Palawala, and the women leading the charge in this transformation—you are the heart of this journey. Your resilience in the face of adversity and your determination to rise above challenges are the true measure of success.

We at Lamberti are proud to be part of this movement, and we remain committed to standing by your side, every step of the way.