  • She Dares
  • community

A Journey of Hope, Resilience, and Leadership

The Unstoppable Spirit of Mamta Devi

By Jitendra Pratap Singh, CEO, People's Awareness Network Society

Reading time: 5 min

In the small, sun-scorched village of Ramsar Palawala, near Jaipur, Rajasthan, agriculture has long been the lifeline of its people. However, as the years have passed, the ground beneath them has changed. The rivers that once nourished their fields have dried up, and the ground water levels have plummeted. Agriculture, the very source of their sustenance, is becoming an impossible struggle. The men, forced by these harsh realities, have begun migrating to cities, seeking labor to make ends meet. Among them was Kamlesh, the husband of Mamta Devi, a 33-year-old woman whose story of resilience is nothing short of extraordinary.

Mamta Devi

Mamta Devi

Born into a family where education was not a luxury, Mamta’s dreams were clipped early. She left school after the 5th grade, her family's financial difficulties forcing her to abandon her studies.
By the age of 19, Mamta was married to Kamlesh, the son of a local farmer, and soon became a mother to two young boys. Life became a series of responsibilities—household chores, childcare, and surviving in an increasingly hostile environment for agriculture.

Yet, amidst the daily grind, a deep sadness took root in her heart. Mamta's sons, unaware of her inner struggles, often dismissed her advice to study, saying, "You didn’t study, don’t tell us to." Those words cut deep. "What was my mistake if I couldn’t study?" she would wonder, the weight of her unfulfilled dreams becoming too heavy to bear. To her family and the villagers, she was just another woman whose role was limited to the home.
But Mamta knew she was more—she had a dream buried within her, though she had no means to bring it to life.

Then came 2020, and with it, the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kamlesh lost his job, and suddenly, the family was left without a source of income. Despair hung in the air, but something else stirred within Mamta. It was the faint flicker of hope.

In 2021, hope took form through She Dares, launched by the People’s Awareness Network Society (PANS) with support from Lamberti. The program aimed to empower rural women from farming communities, offering them a chance to break free from traditional constraints.
Mamta saw the light she had been searching for, and without hesitation, she enrolled. Her journey had begun.

From Student to Artisan: Mamta’s Transformation

From Student to Artisan: Mamta’s Transformation

Through She Dares, PANS partnered with the Indian Institute of Craft and Design (IICD) to offer advanced training to women like Mamta. She was selected to undergo embroidery training, and within three months, her dedication and skill began to shine through.

Mamta became an exceptional artisan, creating intricate embroidery that caught the attention of organizations. The world began to notice her, and for the first time in her life, Mamta felt recognized for her talent.

But there was still an unhealed wound—her lack of education.

The pain of leaving school had never left her, and it weighed heavily on her heart.

Recognizing this, the She Dares program went a step further, enrolling Mamta and 11 other women in secondary education.
Juggling her household duties, agricultural work, her children, and her new role as an artisan, Mamta embarked on yet another journey—her return to school.
It was an overwhelming challenge, but Mamta’s spirit was unbreakable.
In 2022, she completed her secondary education, a moment that filled her with immense pride

For the first time, she felt the confidence that had eluded her for so long.
Mamta had proven to herself, and to the world, that it’s never too late to chase a dream.

A Dream of Leadership and the Road to Entrepreneurship

A Dream of Leadership and the Road to Entrepreneurship

Her newfound confidence opened doors to new possibilities. As Mamta continued to excel in her embroidery work, she began learning stitching as well.
During a leadership session organized by She Dares, Mamta bravely voiced her dream of starting her own business, hoping to one day become an entrepreneur.

The leadership journey, however, was not without its challenges.

Mamta was appointed the leader of her group, but conflicts arose among the members. Each woman, skilled in her own craft, found it difficult to accept Mamta as their leader.
Their rejection stung, and Mamta, feeling defeated, stepped down from the position. "I think I’m not able to communicate well with people, and they don’t understand me," she said, her self-doubt clouding her bright future. "I think I’m not good enough." But her journey was far from over .

Through continued conversations with the PANS team, Mamta realized that her true passion was in teaching. She wanted to share her skills and knowledge with other women from nearby villages, helping them build a life for themselves, just as she had. Mamta’s dream evolved into something even more powerful: she wanted to be a trainer, guiding women toward independence and success.

Living the Dream: A Role Model for Many

Living the Dream: A Role Model for Many

Today, Mamta Devi is living that dream. She travels from village to village, training new women in embroidery and stitching, inspiring them to find their own path. Her trainees affectionately call her "Guru," recognizing her not only as a teacher but as a role model who has shown them what is possible through resilience and hard work. She now manages orders from vendors, fulfilling them with the help of her trainees. Mamta has become a leader, a teacher, and an entrepreneur—a living testament to what determination can achieve.

Mamta Devi’s story is not just her own. It is the story of every woman who has ever felt overlooked or underestimated, who has ever believed that her dreams were out of reach. Through She Dares and the unwavering support of PANS and Lamberti, Mamta has become a beacon of hope in her village, showing that with the right opportunities, nothing is impossible.

At Lamberti, we believe in the power of women like Mamta, who dare to rise above their circumstances and lead others along the way.
Through She Dares, we are proud to support women who are not only changing their own lives but transforming entire communities.

Mamta Devi is more than an artisan—She is an inspiration.