Prepare future generations

On 31st May, 2023 we hosted in our Albizzate plant 27 students of the second year of the first cycle degree in Engineering for work and environmental Safety of Insubria University, accompanied by Prof. Cristiana Morosini.
The classwork was organized to give the students practical examples of the activities that the environmental engineers have to face working in a chemical site.
The visit was attended also by Dr Gianluca Germani, as a representative of Provincia di Varese, who supported the initiative.
Soil Monitoring

In the morning we invited Sara Ceccon and Giorgio Carabelli of Ramboll Italy to present the students their expertise in soil monitoring and soil remediation, showing examples of industrial cases.
To be more effective the students attended also to a practical monitoring session, conducted by Francesco Locullo of Ramboll Italy.
We finished the morning with the tour of Albizzate plant.
Waste Water Treatment Plant

After the launch in our canteen, Claudio Scandroglio, member of our Health and Protection Service Staff, celebrated his last working day before retirement, giving a master class, together with two experts from CIEM Impianti, Davide Sacchi and Dario Pagani, on running a biological treatment plant, sharing their experiences and presenting in detail our Albizzate WWT, which we visited at the end of this fruitful day.
Confident that the students will benefit from this experience, we wish them a brilliant career after completing their studies.