Internal Researchers

Lamberti R&D center in Albizzate counts 20 laboratories with more than 120 researchers.
On May 9th, 2023 a first group of technicians have been involved in a training course on fire fighting procedures.
The entire course will involve around 60 researchers during 2023, divided into 4 classes. The rest of the researchers will be trained in 2024.
A practical session on the use of fire extinguishers and fire fighting procedures under the supervision of an external supervisor and the site HSE and RSPP will be carried out during the training.
University Students

On May 25th we have received the visit of 8 students from Insubria University. They are attending the 3rd year of the degree in ENGINEERING FOR WORK AND ENVIRONMENT SAFETY, a unique programme in Italy that provides a focus on both the workplace and the environment.
The visit was organized as part of the educational program of the course in Fire Fighting Systems.
The Lamberti plant in Albizzate falls under the Seveso Directive, which applies to more than 12 000 industrial establishments in the European Union where dangerous substances are used or stored in large quantities.
During the visit, we presented our Safety procedures and the Internal Emergency Plan (PEI) together with the maps of the distribution of Fire Fighting Equipments and the operative procedures.
A tour of the plant has followed.
The students have had the chance to assist in the flooding demonstration of two high risk areas: the ammonia and the ethanol loading stations.