- lamberti transforma
- community
- education
- Diversity and Inclusion
Lamberti Transforma II, the next journey
The second program to sustain microentrepreneurs in the territory of Nova Odessa, Brazil
Long term actions

In 2020-21, together with NGO Aventura de Construir (AdC) we made the first and promising steps of a path that fertilized the project "Lamberti Transforma: developing territories".
It was a sort of pioneering initiative aimed at women from peripheral contexts, in the city of Nova Odessa-SP, offereing an integral human journey to enable sustainability low-income businesses and strengthen the local economy.
Human relationships and results collected were so strong and successful that we are here again, seeing the future as continuity of that trajectory, conscious that effective results can only be achieved with consecutive and long term actions.
Developing Equal Territories

Lamberti Transforma II - Developing Equal Territories, the next journey for low-income entrepreneurs will feature old and new participants to strengthen the link with - and between - the inhabitants of the territory and the production plant of our company headquartered in Nova Odessa/SP.
We want to continue with established links and expand to others microentrepreneurs on the periphery of the territory the hybrid journey of integral human learning about financial education and management of the business, as well as verifying its applicability in everyday life.
Equal opportunities for women and men

The new program is addressed to 50 micro-entrepreneurs and will develop over 45 weeks.
It is designed to identify, develop and encourage entrepreneurial attitude giving equal opportunities for women and men to get trained and advised. We want to provide them with greater personal and business financial sustainability by presenting strategies and practices that can leverage sales through social networks and e-commerce.
Based on first experience which was limited to women, we have now open the program to men as well, and we have decided to insert also old participants as multipliers and reference for new ones to scale up results.
The project falls within some of the 17 sustainability objectives (SDGs) identified by the United Nations.
Project milestones