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Lamberti Transforma -The story of Edilsa

Interview to Raquel Simão - Project Development, Aventura de Construir

By Alannah Guerrero, R&D Manager LATAM

lamberti trasforma: an hybrid journey
Raquel Simão

I am Raquel Simão and I am the Project Development Coordinator of LambertiTrasforma project.
I joined Aventura de Construir (AdC)  in 2019 as they gave me the opportunity to put my Social Science studies into practice. My role is to create content, have contact with the participants, facilitate classes, set up schedules; in other words, to increase people’s interest until they are able to identify their true needs and how to overcome their problems.

We  work primarily with women since many more of them had to give up their activities to care for their children and the use of digital technology from home could help to keep working while caring for the children. 
Lamberti Trasforma represents a hybrid Journey that prepares 50 micro entrepreneurial women to use digital and virtual tools to support their activities.
We have done an accurate analysis of their need and  designed  a training program based on the tutorial access to Zoom platform, on productivity tools for personal and enterprise management, on finance, accounting and digital presence in social networks and marketing.
After a theoretical training, each participant will receive 3 personalized and individual mentoring sessions and, at  last,  they  will prototype sustainable  business models that can generate income and how to present their business in “social media live sessions”.

Life changing experience: Edilsa

We would like to contribute towards a life-changing experience in these women, as we have seen in the life of Edilsa.

She is the owner of the  bar- restaurant  Bar do Boca   in “Sol Nascente”   a  neighborhood in the west outskirts of São Paulo. 
With the support of  AdC in the project "Strengthening Protagonists"   Edilsa  was one of the 20 people involved in a fundraising projects which permitted to support and adapting her activity during the pandemic.
She and her husband, José Arimar, manage the restaurant together. Their business is the  source of livelihood for the family.  
28 jobs are  impacted by the existence of their restaurant: 2 owners, 6 full time employees and almost 20 relationships with local suppliers.
During covid-19´s pandemic, Edilsa's great difficulty was how to adapt her venture to the delivery services. With our guidance, She searched in her neighborhood for reliable people  and offered them to work as motoboys (motorcycle delivery).  

The funds raised by Edilsa contributed to the maintenance of part of employee´s salaries and a small reform on the restaurant.
Currently Edilsa wants to use other technological tools to sell more on the Internet, strengthening her venture. 
Edilsa said she  understood that is necessary to be always prepared for crisis and so it is essential to have a solid management of its own  business.

Edilsa Story