
 A legacy for the future 

Updates from Lamberti Forest - Colombia

One thousand trees are growing

Every new tree on the planet is a "smart" source of CO2 reduction .

Last year, for Christmas, we decided to make a special gift to our employees to become part of a reforestation and biodiversity project, which abated 590,000kg of COemissions.

With the support of Treedom  we have planted 1.000 trees in Colombia. Today our employees are following the stories of their trees.

This project means so much more: we are supporting an education process that involves young farmers who work in the nurseries and in the community. They learn seedling and grafting and will enjoy the practical results of their care. 

With this action we are creating a legacy and a prospect for the future.

Follow this project on Lamberti Trees for Future and read the story.

Pictures from Colombia