Lamberti Fiorano Modenese  



Our Fiorano Modenese plant is the main production facility for the applications for Ceramic Industry. It is located between the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in the heart of Ceramic District of Sassuolo, the main center for technical innovation and design in Italy and Europe and one of the most important in the world.

We have been present in the Italian ceramic market since 70s. The story of our plant has started in 1990 when we founded Sassuolo based Saschim company. Shortly thereafter, we built our current Fiorano site to have a better direct presence with dedicated products in a rapidly growing market, and we moved there in 1995.

In 2000 we made a strategic investment in acquisition of our historic competitor Chimica Corona and further merged it with Sachim. These steps enabled us to gain knowledge and strengthen our know-how, to exploit our potential and to increase the market share. By the end of 2008, the company has been integrated into our Lamberti Group.

Our site

Our site

Our Fiorano Modenese plant is a highly specialized facility dedicated to the additives for the ceramics manufacturing; tiles, sanitary ware, tableware, technical ceramics, glass and inks for digital inkjet applications. The production cycles are "on demand just in time".

Most of our products are tailor made. The whole operation process involves R&D and Application Development together with production itself are further technical assistance to the customer.

Fiorano is home of our Technological Ceramic Center that works in close contact with our laboratories in Albizzate and Onda, our branch in Spain.  

The Technological Ceramic Center internally connects all our scientific and technical laboratories worldwide to ensure the stream of the know how. It also collaborates with R&D Centers outside the Company for the exchange of experiences, studis and the development of new products.

Our site is certified according to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 and Responsible Care.

Since three years our site is also part of the project " “Luoghi di lavoro che promuovono salute", namely "working place which promote healths" supported by Servizio Sanitario - Regione Emilia-Romagna




Via E. Mattei, 7/9

41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO) Italy

See the map
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