PT. Lamberti Indonesia
History and Path

Lamberti has been active in Indonesia since 1990 supplying specialty chemicals for applications in the Ceramic industry through our business partner in Indonesia.
PT. Lamberti Indonesia is a foreign investment company (PMA) of Lamberti SpA in Indonesia and was established in 2004 to position itself to better serve the Indonesian market.
In the beginning, PT. Lamberti Indonesia located in Jababeka 2 industrial zone, Bekasi – Jawa Barat.
In 2011 PT. Lamberti Indonesia move to Jababeka 3 industrial zone for bigger space.
Nowadays, PT. Lamberti Indonesia is active in Ceramic, Paper, Personal Care, Textile, Agrochemical, and Oil Drilling industries in Indonesia.

PT. Lamberti Indonesia have 30 employees, 2 laboratories, 2 liquid blending facilities, 1 powder blending facility, and storage unit in total area of 4,500 sqm.
For ceramic business we supply to more than 20 factories all around Indonesia.
We serve ceramic factories for all different application technologies including floor tiles, wall tiles, third firing, granito, sanitaryware, tableware and roof tiles with a product range from body binder, body fluidizer, CMC, printing medium, medium for granilia, etc.
PT. Lamberti Indonesia is a member of Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association and actively promote through KERAMIKA (Asean’s only dedicated ceramic exhibition) and Latech (System Indonesia’s exhibition)