The important role of media in micro grit application
An article pubblished in Ceramic World Review
downloadLamberti Corporate
Medium for microgrits
Micro grits are widely used in ceramic tile production to optimise production process and to provide special aestetic effects .
GRITMED series is a family of additives specifically studied for the application of microgrits on the tiles surface.
A lot of formulations have been created for every specific need, always satisfying the most important technical requests and properties:
According to the commercial target and production typology, microgrits can be applied either by DRY or WET PROCESS.
Wet Process
Dry Process
Gritmed SST is a medium to optimize the digital application of microgrits.
Gritmed SST is suitable for wet and dry processes as it ensures correct rheology and homegeneous behaviour within a wide partcle size range.
Lamberti Corporate